
Donnerstag, 7. Januar 2016

Kev is back

Kev Adams is available for commission work again. No matter if you are a collector looking for a simple conversion or a company interetested in a whole range of figures Kev will gladly offer his services. Please drop me a mail at nelesell at hotmail dot de and I will forward it to him. Check out what he has churned out over the last weeks for Crooked Claw.

4 Kommentare:

  1. Will you release these as a kickstarter?

  2. They look outstanding, must crack on with my kickstarter ones so I can get these when they're released!

  3. Glad you're taking advantage of the opportunity to get some new goblin sculpts. They're rad, do want!

  4. Where can i buy this horned helm gobbo?
