Freitag, 17. Februar 2012

And so it starts...

I´m happy to announce that I recently acquired the production rights as well as moulds for both the Nemesis and Rhoninstorm goblin ranges sculpted by Kev Adams. 21 different, evil grinning goblins can now get purchased here.

At first I´m trying to clear the old stock and will sell the existing ranges as well as the command group as packs for a discounted price.
If you´re intertested in buying some please drop me a mail to

nelesell at hotmail dot de

and read the disclaimer on the left.

This is a private venture with the intention to field a full army of 28mm metal goblins including cavalry and warmachines sculpted by the Goblinmaster himself. Kev is in the starting blocks and I hope to add some more infantry soon followed by archers and a stone thrower thingie. I´m sorry but I can´t entertain you with release dates, renders or photoshopped injection moulds.